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Group of small nursery school children sitting on floor indoors in classroom, playing

There are numerous reasons enrolling your child in a well-renowned daycare center

There are numerous reasons enrolling your child in a well-renowned daycare center is beneficial
– come to Ya-Ya’s Place Family Daycare to see why! Not only will your child participate in social
learning activities and develop healthy methods of communication, they will also rapidly
improve their academic development and make great achievements come grade school. Did you
know that a study performed by the University of Virginia and Cornell University discovered
that children who attended formal childcare programs had substantially stronger reading and
math skills just by the age of five. Your child, too, can excel in academic excellence by simply
attending a qualified daycare center. At Ya-Ya’s Place, our educators adhere to the Pennsylvania
Standards for Education to ensure quality and versatile learning methods for all children.
Whether they be a hands-on learner or a visual learner, need extra assistance, or more
challenging lessons, all children will benefit from attending Ya-Ya’s Place Family Daycare. We
are more than a childcare facility, but a place where knowledge and play can change the future.